Aeration systems achieve the highest reduction of metane, radon and
sulphur: up to 99% versus 50-80% with granular activated carbon.

New technology solves the problem of radon in well water before the water enters your home. Airwell sustains a “down the well” process indefinitely without debilitating scaling and bio-fouling.
Key Features: automatic, runs 24/7 low voltage (consumes energy of a 90W bulb) maintenance free minimal operating cost no scaling or bio-fouling no chemicals
A pipe with an aeration section is inserted from top to bottom in the well through the addition of riser pipes. A low voltage compressor delivers air to the active section of the Airwell pipe.
this creates a hydrodynamic pressure, causing water from the base of the well to rise through the pipe and be aerated through the active section.
The result: injected air will have stripped previously trapped gasses out of the water in the relatively pressurized conditions at the top of the well.